Supported formats: VOB, MKV, FLV, QuickTime.
Supports internal and external subtitles: .aqt, .ass, .stl, .mpl, .rt, .smi, .srt, .ssa, .stl, .sub, .usf.
Searching video on YouTube.
Searching audio on SoundCloud.
Playing DVD Drive.
Access to cloud services: One drive, Google drive, Dropbox.
Work with playlists: creation, adding, deleting audio and video, editing playlists.
Support for multimedia keys on the keyboard.
Adjusting the equalizer.
Sort and search through the local media.
Integration with LastFM.
A large selection of settings for your application
Supported video formats:
".3g2", ".3gp2", ".3gp", ".3gpp", ".m4v", ".m4a", ".mp4v", ".mp4", ".mov", ".m2ts", ".asf", ".wm", ".wmv", ".avi", ".flv", ".mkv", ".vob", ".qt", ".m4b", ".m4p", ".m4r", ".3ga", ".ts", ".f4v", ".hdmov", ".moov", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".mpe", ".mpg2", ".mpeg1", ".mpeg4", ".divx", ".dvr-ms", ".ogv", ".mxf", ".m2p", ".mts", ".rm", ".rmvb".
Supported audio formats:
".mp3", ".wav", ".m4a", ".wma", ".aac", ".adt", ".adts", ".ac3", ".ec3", ".amr", ".au", ".aiff", ".aif", ".aifc", ".caf", ".qcp", ".wave".
Media Player Lite supports over 300 formats of audio and video files. This makes it very comfortable to watch and listen to various media content. Also, Media Player Lite includes really many useful functions.
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