App Features:
- Supported file formats: VOB, MKV, FLV, QuickTime
- Supports internal and external subtitles: .aqt, .ass, .stl, .mpl, .rt, .smi, .srt, .ssa, .stl, .sub, .usf
- Search videos on YouTube
- Search audio on SoundCloud
- Playback DVD discs
- Adjusting the equalizer
- Access to cloud services: One drive, Google drive, Dropbox
- Working with playlists: create, add, delete audio and video recordings, editing playlists
- Support for multimedia keys on the keyboard
- Sort and search the local media
- Supported video formats: ".3g2", ".3gp2", ".3gp", ".3gpp", ".m4v", ".m4a", ".mp4v", ".mp4", ".mov", ".m2ts", ".asf", ".wm", ".wmv", ".avi", ".flv", ".mkv", ".vob", ".qt", ".m4b", ".m4p", ".m4r", ".3ga", ".ts", ".f4v", ".hdmov", ".moov", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".mpe", ".mpg2", ".mpeg1", ".mpeg4", ".divx", ".dvr-ms", ".ogv", ".mxf", ".m2p", ".mts", ".rm", ".rmvb".
Supported audio formats: ".flac", ".mp3", ".wav", ".m4a", ".wma", ".aac", ".adt", ".adts", ".ac3", ".ec3", ".amr", ".au", ".aiff", ".aif", ".aifc", ".caf", ".qcp", ".wave", ".alac".
- Integration with Last FM
- Large selection of application settings
App has in-app purchases. And you can get even more features! Try this cool player.
If you have any questions or suggestions how to improve this app, please email to Customer support of Media Player.
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